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回复回复Lee[2024-05-11 08:51 AM | del]
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回复回复Stefanie[2024-05-11 08:34 AM | del]
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回复回复Aleida[2024-05-11 08:22 AM | del]
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回复回复Stephen[2023-10-01 06:36 PM | del]
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回复回复Gerald[2023-08-08 08:14 AM | del]
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回复回复Ezekiel[2023-08-04 10:51 AM | del]
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回复回复Randy[2023-08-04 10:48 AM | del]
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回复回复Billy[2023-07-29 11:21 AM | del]
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回复回复Hyman[2020-07-21 11:51 AM | del]
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回复回复Mae[2020-06-02 01:55 AM | del]
Signing binding agreement is standard when renting a villa.
As with agreement, this protects you, the actual, as well as the agent. Make certain it specifies which expenses are certainly not within the base price, for instance taxes, air-conditioning, or the expense of heating the pool. A simple contract will even clearly outline policies regarding property damage, and what would constitute an unsatisfactory stay.
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